
Missouri girl finds diamond at park

Thirteen-year-old Nicole Ruhter and her family didn't have much luck during a day spent digging for diamonds at a state park, but she kept looking even as they walked along a path that evening.
She found a tea-colored 2.93 carat diamond. via Yahoo News


Tina Tang said...

Great story!
Shoot, I should go on a diamond hunting trip myself if a tween girl could do it.

Unknown said...

To go along with this theme there was a great story here in the Northern Virginia area recently about a 3.02 carat diamond ring valued at around $40,000 being found and returned to Mervis Diamond Importers.

Virginia Man Returns $40,000 Diamond Ring

The Management said...

If reading this reminds you of a diamond you've lost, try this: Here's a site created for people to post stories just like those above